Thursday, January 30, 2014

Welcome To The Southland!

Welcome to California.
I recently moved from my rainy, overcast, wonderful home in Oregon, to hot and busy, southern California.
As I have traveled to the area many times, I didn't suffer any culture shock. But even with all of the people here, I was lonely.

I decided that the best way to fight the depression of moving away from my family, was to embrace my new home and everything that California has to offer. Besides, staying busy keeps the blues away.

We live in a time where technology has enabled families to stay close, long distance. Along with the usual social media suspects, Google Hangouts and Skype have become my best friends. I enjoy the conversations with the kids, but especially the grand kids. It is like watching a talent show every time. I love that they enjoy talking to me, but I think they enjoy watching themselves on the screen more. But we get to see each other and that is what counts.

Please join me as I discover the sites and sounds of California. If you live here, please tell me some of your favorite spots to visit, eat, or just hang out. If not, I hope that I can inspire you to visit some of mine.

California, Bring it on!!